Friday, June 20, 2008

Intro to Blog

Hey everyone! Thanks for stopping in! I wanted to give you a brief overview of everything that is going on so you do not get lost in the terminology and numbers. Most of you have heard the diagnosis as well as orders from my mom not to claim them sooo we will NOT be using the "c" word on this blog. We are having to do a little bit of chemotherapy(chemo) to appease her surgeon however we are trusting God for complete healing and wholeness.

Terms and Medications:

CA 125: A test known as a tumor marker, it is a way of measuring what her body is doing and how the cells are reacting to the chemo. Anything above 30 is noted as being dangerous/suspicious. Prior to surgery Marilyn/Mama tested 989. Since surgery, the number decreased dramatically. It was at 153 at our first treatment. This is a blood test that will be given prior to each treatment and the results will be posted with the days treatment blog.

Pre-meds: These are drugs given prior to receiving the chemotherapy lasting apprx 45 min. Saline(for additional fluids), Benedryll(to head off any allergic reactions), Zantac( contains an antihistamine, as well as helps keep her stomach calm), also one other shot which helps prevent nausea for up to 10 days.

Taxol: A chemo drug. This is the first part of her treatments which takes up apprx 3 hrs. It has minimal side effects of which we thankfully have not experienced any at this time and pray we do not ever.

Paraplatin/Carboplatin: A chemo drug. This is the second part of her treatment which takes up apprx 30 min. The side effects with this drug have been a little more evident. She has been experiencing an extreme amount of pain in her joints. This is called Neuropathy.

Dr. Santoso: The Physician/Surgeon

Mrs. Mary: The RN

If I have left out anything I will explain as I enter it but this is just a few things that will be mentioned. Thanks again for your support!


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