Saturday, August 2, 2008

August 2, 2008

Hello Everyone!!! Thank you all for dropping in regularly and staying in touch! We have had a ton  of things going on recently...sorry for the delay...again! :) 

  • Last week we were in Jackson, Ms with my Aunt Debra. I picked up Tedd from the airport on Tuesday evening and the fun began! :) Church on Wednesday night, Kyotos Thursday morning, shopping thursday afternoon, and Impact that night made for great fun with the family! Mama had a blast at the conference and enjoyed meeting my best friend Megan's parents as well as my boyfriend's family. We also got to see several other old acquaintances.  Friday was Tedd's birthday so we had to party on our way back home. We had lunch at P.F. Chang's and my good friend from high school Becky came out to celebrate with us! Great FOOD!  Then we headed back to good ole Myrtle! 
  • Saturday my brothers and their families came in to spend time with Mama prior to her third treatment. We had a blast cooking out and playing with the kids! 
  • Sunday Mama preached hell, fire, and brimstone! :) It was a great service...she had my brothers , my father, and I pray for her. After church, we came home to some KFC! 
  • Monday evening, after running a few errands, we drove into Memphis and got a hotel to avoid having to get up at 4am to drive to treatment. We had japanese food and TCBY whOOp! Then crawled up in bed and ordered Horton Hears a Who :) 
  • Tuesday morning was our third treatment! Are you ready for CA 125 results??? 56!!! It went down another 49 points!! PRAISE GOD! The doctor decided to switch her chemo drug from Taxol and Carboplatin to Taxotere. Dr. Santoso said that they are equally effected only one causes less neuropathy which is GREAT! Treatment went great with only one hang up ... Mama's liver counts are continuing to rise. They have scheduled her an appointment to see a specialist before her next treatment. After treatment we hit up the mall so I could spend my birthday money and we could all get CHOCOLATE!! Godiva baaabaaay!
  • 4 days out from treatment and nothing exciting has occurred. We have basically been laying around. Mama is usually extremely weak for several days following chemo. She finally got out of bed for a couple hours today to play a few hands of Rummikub and to beat my boyfriend up...its her favorite. :) Currently she is laying in bed watching To Kill a Mockingbird and trying to get her temp back down. It is constantly going up and down and we do not know why. 
I will be adding some new pictures in just a little bit so be sure to check back in! ALSO Aunt Debra wrote a letter and I posted it. If anyone else would like to send Mama a message either post it directly to the blog or just email them to me.  I am sure she would appreciate it greatly. The cards are slowing down quite a bit so any encouragement is welcomed. Thanks! :) 

Focused Prayer:
  • Liver counts to drop
  • CA 125 to continue dropping
  • OK report from liver specialist
  • No side effects
  • JOY
  • Body temperature to remain constant and at a normal level
  • Strength
  • Full body scan next treatment....We expect it to be normal in Jesus name! 
Thank you all for everything! 
Charlcy Ray

A Letter from Debra

Seasons in our life change and the way we view things sometimes change but one thing NEVER changes....and that's the way we love our family.  Marilyn and I have been by each other's side through thick and thin.  We toured Europe for three weeks, sewed clothes all night long for our kids to have matching Easter clothes, celebrated many Christmas days together; Laughed and cried through the good bad and ugly and yes....sometimes...although VERY rarely, even disagreed.  But down through the years I believe our relationship is just as deeply rooted as it ever was.  She is truly one of the best friends I've EVER had.  We're so much alike that's it's sometimes scary.

You know, there's an old, wise saying that says...."What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger".  That's how I feel about the love that I have for Marilyn.  She's been there and will NEVER love you only half way.  It's all or nothing with her. 

She's walking through a journey right now that I don't understand.  She's always been the strong one that I could lean on for problems.  However, while she was visiting my house for those four days last week...I saw a vulnerable side of her that I've never seen.  Very soft and just going with the currents.  The storm looks like it's raging but you can tell by looking at her...she's not bending or losing strength.  If anything....she's gaining a NEW strength.

The best part of her visit was when we were driving back from Columbia.  It was just the two of us on those dark, country roads, sharing and reveling in the awesomeness of God we had experienced that night.  We had no clue how to get home but we managed just fine. :)  When we got home I fixed us a bowl of Trix cereal and we piled up in the bed and watched HGTV...(our FAVORITE channel).  Afterwards, when she started to dose off...I thought she was asleep and my face was facing hers on the same pillow and with her eyes closed and in a very quiet voice she said "I sure do love you Debra".  I told her I loved her too and that when we got through this storm and made it safely to the other side that we would look back and know that God carried her.  Then she replied...."I will Debra.  There's only TWO things that I'm sure of right now and that is that I'm breathing and bald".  I told her "Praise God for the 1st thing because there's hope the 2nd will change also".

I Love you to absolute pieces Francis!  You're gonna make it....and WHEN YOU DO.....we're gonna do more for God than we ever did!  AND...we're gonna go on a nice little vacation....just the two of us.  Remember...we promised to grow old in our rockers together.  I'm holding you to that.

Love always,